Dataset for: Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Geissler, Christoph Felix
Schöpper, Lars-Michael
Engesser, Anna Franziska
Beste, Christian
Münchau, Alexander
Frings, Christian
Abstract / Description
Dataset for the study "Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control", to-be-published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. For further information please refer to the aforementioned paper. The aggregated behavioral data file can be analyzed by using the SPSS-Syntax and the aggregated neuro data can be analyzed by using the pipeline; both are available under "Code for: Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control".
Persistent Identifier
Date of first publication
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._RawData_reduced.csvCSV - 14.34MBMD5: ebee571e3de9d2fa1bb051035f8866e4
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._RawData_reduced.txtText - 14.34MBMD5: 8816743ffcaa7d642a2bd76f700a59f2
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._AggregatedData.csvCSV - 7.58KBMD5: ef27a2657f1f46cf510ee141bf223153
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._AggregatedData.txtText - 7.74KBMD5: 58d5f2400b09db3c0f3bb6aa9fc2837a
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._RawData_all.csvCSV - 17MBMD5: 75caabad21138ddd13a51b5d255a4184
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._RawData_all.txtText - 17MBMD5: 19297e1e141d3fffd6402eefeb150512
TranslationBindingNeuro.matCSV - 250.54MBMD5: 96f3b489769bf7f18f398caa1b076675
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._fNIRS_translatedLocalization_ReadMe.txtText - 6.65KBMD5: 9b2d75885ec3f20a8abd1ed6caf0483f
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._fNIRS_translatedLocalization_ReadMe.pdfAdobe PDF - 189.32KBMD5: fe69cac5c5dd8dfdfc5ea7f10ddf67ee
There are no other versions of this object.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Geissler, Christoph Felix
Author(s) / Creator(s)Schöpper, Lars-Michael
Author(s) / Creator(s)Engesser, Anna Franziska
Author(s) / Creator(s)Beste, Christian
Author(s) / Creator(s)Münchau, Alexander
Author(s) / Creator(s)Frings, Christian
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2023-09-08T14:53:19Z
Made available on2023-09-08T14:53:19Z
Date of first publication2023-09-08
Abstract / DescriptionDataset for the study "Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control", to-be-published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. For further information please refer to the aforementioned paper. The aggregated behavioral data file can be analyzed by using the SPSS-Syntax and the aggregated neuro data can be analyzed by using the pipeline; both are available under "Code for: Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control".en
Review statusunknown
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contenteng
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Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleDataset for: Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action controlen
DRO typeresearchData