Code for: Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Geissler, Christoph Felix
Schöpper, Lars-Michael
Engesser, Anna Franziska
Beste, Christian
Münchau, Alexander
Frings, Christian
Abstract / Description
Code for the study "Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control", to-be-published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. For further information please refer to the aforementioned paper. The SPSS-Syntax can be executed on the aggregated behavioral data file and the pipeline can be executed on the aggregated neuro data; both are available under "Data for: Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control".
Persistent Identifier
Date of first publication
Translation_Binding_Neuro_Pipeline.mUnknown - 4.68KBMD5: 7d40282ad95e6a87ad28b71b838c35c4
Translation_Binding_Neuro_Pipeline.txtText - 4.68KBMD5: e2505e9a142b7c855e330422eaed4d0b
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._fNIRS_translatedLocalization_Syntax.spsSPSS syntax file - 5.01KBMD5: 5eb2d24d12a588746dd528c25a7e1797
Geissler, Schöpper, et al._fNIRS_translatedLocalization_Syntax.txtText - 5KBMD5: 4f003480d8877321b269cffc758706a6
There are no other versions of this object.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Geissler, Christoph Felix
Author(s) / Creator(s)Schöpper, Lars-Michael
Author(s) / Creator(s)Engesser, Anna Franziska
Author(s) / Creator(s)Beste, Christian
Author(s) / Creator(s)Münchau, Alexander
Author(s) / Creator(s)Frings, Christian
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2023-09-08T14:54:29Z
Made available on2023-09-08T14:54:29Z
Date of first publication2023-09-08
Abstract / DescriptionCode for the study "Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control", to-be-published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. For further information please refer to the aforementioned paper. The SPSS-Syntax can be executed on the aggregated behavioral data file and the pipeline can be executed on the aggregated neuro data; both are available under "Data for: Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control".en
Publication statusunknown
Review statusunknown
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contenteng
Is related to
Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleCode for: Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action controlen
DRO typecode