Fostering Pre-service Teachers‘ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Psychology: Development and Evaluation of a Learning Module
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Dornheim, Dorothea
Knöferle, Anita
Paetsch, Jennifer
Abstract / Description
Beitrag aus Krämer, M. & Imhof, M. (Hrsg.). (2024). Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XV. Shaker Verlag
In our pursuit of enhancing pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in psychology, we developed a “Teaching Psychology” module to equip pre-service vocational school teachers with essential skills to teach psychology effectively. This paper outlines the module’s objectives, content, and design and presents the findings from our evaluation study. We compared PCK in psychology and psychology teaching self-efficacy (i.e., teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching psychology as a subject) between students who did and did not participate in the “Teaching Psychology” module. Results showed that the intervention group excelled in both areas.
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Date of first publication
Is part of
Krämer, M. & Imhof, M. (Hrsg.). (2024). Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XV. Shaker Verlag.
Is part of series
Materialien aus der Sektion Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung in Psychologie (AFW) im Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V. (BDP), Band 18
Page numbers
Shaker Verlag
Is version of
Dornheim, D., Knöferle, A., & Paetsch, J. (2024). Fostering Pre-service Teachers‘ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Psychology: Development and Evaluation of a Learning Module. In M. Krämer, & M. Imhof (Hrsg.). (2024). Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XV (S. 77-84). Shaker Verlag.
Dornheim_Knöferle_Paetsch_2024_Fostering_Pre-Service.pdfAdobe PDF - 255.62KBMD5: c521fd54a5c20f0f73bb45f12a4e61f0
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Author(s) / Creator(s)Dornheim, Dorothea
Author(s) / Creator(s)Knöferle, Anita
Author(s) / Creator(s)Paetsch, Jennifer
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2024-11-21T09:52:22Z
Made available on2024-11-21T09:52:22Z
Date of first publication2024-11
Abstract / DescriptionBeitrag aus Krämer, M. & Imhof, M. (Hrsg.). (2024). Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XV. Shaker Verlagde_DE
Abstract / DescriptionIn our pursuit of enhancing pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in psychology, we developed a “Teaching Psychology” module to equip pre-service vocational school teachers with essential skills to teach psychology effectively. This paper outlines the module’s objectives, content, and design and presents the findings from our evaluation study. We compared PCK in psychology and psychology teaching self-efficacy (i.e., teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching psychology as a subject) between students who did and did not participate in the “Teaching Psychology” module. Results showed that the intervention group excelled in both areas.de_DE
Publication statuspublishedVersion
Review statusunknown
External description on another website
CitationDornheim, D., Knöferle, A., & Paetsch, J. (2024). Fostering Pre-service Teachers‘ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Psychology: Development and Evaluation of a Learning Module. In M. Krämer, & M. Imhof (Hrsg.). (2024). Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XV (S. 77-84). Shaker Verlag.
Persistent Identifier
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Language of contenteng
PublisherShaker Verlag
Is part ofKrämer, M. & Imhof, M. (Hrsg.). (2024). Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XV. Shaker Verlag.
Is part of seriesMaterialien aus der Sektion Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung in Psychologie (AFW) im Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V. (BDP), Band 18
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Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleFostering Pre-service Teachers‘ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Psychology: Development and Evaluation of a Learning Moduleen
DRO typebookPart
Leibniz subject classificationPsychologie
Page numbers77-84
Visible tag(s)Version of Record