Verfahrensdokumentation für GraLeV: Grazer Leseverständnistest
Graz Reading Comprehension Test
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Paleczek, L.
Seifert, S.
Franz, A.
Riedl, S.
Wohlhart, D.
Other kind(s) of contributor
Open Test Archive
Abstract / Description
The GraLeV is a method for measuring reading comprehension (at the word, sentence, and text levels) of children in the third and fourth grades. It consists of 4 subtests with a total of 38 item sets. The GraLeV has an internal consistency of Cronbach's α = .78 -.91, a split-half reliability of rtt = .95-.99, and a retest reliability of rtt = .79-.84 (interval: 2 weeks). Validity: Apparent content validity and convergent and discriminant validity can be demonstrated. Norms: Norms are available in the form of percentile norms and z-scores from N = 1 567 data of 3rd and 4th graders at the beginning and end of the 2021/2022 school year.
Pictorial Stimuli Elementary School Students Language Development Verbal Ability Vocabulary Reading SkillsPersistent Identifier
Date of first publication
ZPID (Leibniz Institute for Psychology) – Open Test Archive
Paleczek, L., Seifert, S., Franz, A., Riedl, S., & Wohlhart, D. (2023). Verfahrensdokumentation für GraLeV: Grazer Leseverständnistest [Verfahrensdokumentation, Testheft, Auswertungsschablone, Auswertungsbogen, Normtabellen]. In Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Open Test Archive. Trier: ZPID.
8582_GraLeV_Verfahrensdokumentation.pdfAdobe PDF - 840.71KBMD5: 95bc0f94c683ce56b7477421e536cc9eDescription: GraLeV - Verfahrensdokumentation
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Author(s) / Creator(s)Paleczek, L.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Seifert, S.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Franz, A.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Riedl, S.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Wohlhart, D.
Other kind(s) of contributorOpen Test Archiveen
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2023-10-26T07:47:37Z
Made available on2023-10-26T07:47:37Z
Date of first publication2023-10-26
Abstract / DescriptionThe GraLeV is a method for measuring reading comprehension (at the word, sentence, and text levels) of children in the third and fourth grades. It consists of 4 subtests with a total of 38 item sets. The GraLeV has an internal consistency of Cronbach's α = .78 -.91, a split-half reliability of rtt = .95-.99, and a retest reliability of rtt = .79-.84 (interval: 2 weeks). Validity: Apparent content validity and convergent and discriminant validity can be demonstrated. Norms: Norms are available in the form of percentile norms and z-scores from N = 1 567 data of 3rd and 4th graders at the beginning and end of the 2021/2022 school year.en
Publication statusotheren
Review statusrevieweden
CitationPaleczek, L., Seifert, S., Franz, A., Riedl, S., & Wohlhart, D. (2023). Verfahrensdokumentation für GraLeV: Grazer Leseverständnistest [Verfahrensdokumentation, Testheft, Auswertungsschablone, Auswertungsbogen, Normtabellen]. In Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Open Test Archive. Trier: ZPID.
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contentdeu
PublisherZPID (Leibniz Institute for Psychology) – Open Test Archiveen
Is related to
Keyword(s)Pictorial Stimulien
Keyword(s)Elementary School Studentsen
Keyword(s)Language Developmenten
Keyword(s)Verbal Abilityen
Keyword(s)Reading Skillsen
Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleVerfahrensdokumentation für GraLeV: Grazer Leseverständnistestde_DE
Alternative titleGraz Reading Comprehension Testen
DRO typeotheren
Leibniz subject classificationPsychologiede_DE
Visible tag(s)Testarchivde_DE