Supplementary materials for: How to debunk health-related misinformation? An experimental online study of text structures and headline formats
Author(s) / Creator(s)
König, Laura M.
Kotz, Johannes
Giese, Helge
Abstract / Description
German original and English translation of the questionnaire to be used in the online experiment "How to debunk health-related misinformation? An experimental online study of text structures and headline formats".
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Date of first publication
Misinformation_LabTrack_questionnaire_translated.pdfAdobe PDF - 321.6KBMD5: eeae83367a6d79d23f6f033666d1f65dDescription: Questionnaire English (translated from German)
Misinformation_LabTrack_questionnaire_original.pdfAdobe PDF - 310.63KBMD5: 31154fbe2649bebe2646c3ea25bc1bdaDescription: Questionnaire German
There are no other versions of this object.
Author(s) / Creator(s)König, Laura M.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Kotz, Johannes
Author(s) / Creator(s)Giese, Helge
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2022-02-02T10:33:40Z
Made available on2022-02-02T10:33:40Z
Date of first publication2022-02-02
Abstract / DescriptionGerman original and English translation of the questionnaire to be used in the online experiment "How to debunk health-related misinformation? An experimental online study of text structures and headline formats".en
Publication statusunknown
Review statusunknown
Persistent Identifier
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Language of contentdeu
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Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleSupplementary materials for: How to debunk health-related misinformation? An experimental online study of text structures and headline formatsen
DRO typeother