The NB5I: A full-scale Big-Five inventory with evaluatively neutralized items
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Bäckström, Martin
Abstract / Description
Personality is normally measured by means of self-ratings. Despite some drawbacks, the method is here to stay, and improving on it, particularly with regards to social desirability, is essential. One way to do this is evaluative neutralization, i.e. to rephrase items such that it is less obvious to the respondent what would be a desirable response. We present a 120-item evaluatively neutralized five-factor inventory and compare it to the IPIP-NEO (Goldberg et al., 2006). Psychometric analyses revealed that the new inventory has high factor homogeneity, relatively independent facets with acceptable homogeneity and normally distributed ratings, and relatively evaluatively neutral ratings (as indicated by level of item popularity). In sum, this new inventory captures the same personality variance as other five factor inventories but with less influence from individual differences in evaluative responding, resulting in less correlation between factors and a factor structure more in line with the simple structure model than many other five factor inventories. Evaluatively neutralized inventories should be particularly useful when the factor structure is central to the research question and when focus is on discriminant validity, such as identification of theoretically valid relationships between personality traits and other concepts.
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Date of first publication
Bäckström, M. (2021). The NB5I: A full-scale Big-Five inventory with evaluatively neutralized items. PsychArchives.
Supplemental Material Bäckström 3.1.pdfAdobe PDF - 244.68KBMD5: 9319777c8ed471d4d5af91ec0f9cca19Description: Supplemental tables
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Author(s) / Creator(s)Bäckström, Martin
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2021-07-24T06:58:52Z
Made available on2021-07-24T06:58:52Z
Date of first publication2021-07-24
Abstract / DescriptionPersonality is normally measured by means of self-ratings. Despite some drawbacks, the method is here to stay, and improving on it, particularly with regards to social desirability, is essential. One way to do this is evaluative neutralization, i.e. to rephrase items such that it is less obvious to the respondent what would be a desirable response. We present a 120-item evaluatively neutralized five-factor inventory and compare it to the IPIP-NEO (Goldberg et al., 2006). Psychometric analyses revealed that the new inventory has high factor homogeneity, relatively independent facets with acceptable homogeneity and normally distributed ratings, and relatively evaluatively neutral ratings (as indicated by level of item popularity). In sum, this new inventory captures the same personality variance as other five factor inventories but with less influence from individual differences in evaluative responding, resulting in less correlation between factors and a factor structure more in line with the simple structure model than many other five factor inventories. Evaluatively neutralized inventories should be particularly useful when the factor structure is central to the research question and when focus is on discriminant validity, such as identification of theoretically valid relationships between personality traits and other concepts.en_US
SponsorshipThis research was supported by grant 2105-02110 from the Swedish Research Council.en_US
CitationBäckström, M. (2021). The NB5I: A full-scale Big-Five inventory with evaluatively neutralized items. PsychArchives.
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Language of contentengen_US
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Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleThe NB5I: A full-scale Big-Five inventory with evaluatively neutralized itemsen_US
DRO typeotheren_US