Dataset for: Bilingualism influences how speaking enhances memory
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Brown, Rachel M.
Roembke, Tanja C.
Other kind(s) of contributor
RWTH Aachen University
Abstract / Description
Dataset for: Bilingualism influences how speaking enhances memory
Persistent Identifier
Date of first publication
data.csvUnknown - 1.1MBMD5: ea7b4a62cddd4cee44e652d29b0b2b38Description: Data from recognition tasks - including stimuli
Codebook.pdfAdobe PDF - 137.45KBMD5: 9f1604973d40c3fdee4f733a2278c568Description: Codebook with description of task, stimuli, and values in "data.csv"
There are no other versions of this object.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Brown, Rachel M.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Roembke, Tanja C.
Other kind(s) of contributorRWTH Aachen University
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2024-07-18T16:51:10Z
Made available on2024-07-18T16:51:10Z
Date of first publication2024-07-18
Abstract / DescriptionDataset for: Bilingualism influences how speaking enhances memoryen
Review statusunknown
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contenteng
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Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleDataset for: Bilingualism influences how speaking enhances memoryen
DRO typeresearchData