The Preregistration for Quantitative Research in Psychology Template as Jupyter Notebook
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Mueller, Stefanie
Abstract / Description
The file provides the Preregistration for Quantitative Research in Psychology Template as a Jupyter Notebook. Fill in the fields, export as PDF and your fully formatted preregistration is complete.
In order to use this file, you need to install JupyterLab ( or register at PsychNotebook (
The template was developed by a task force composed members of the American Psychological Association (APA), the British Psychological Society (BPS), the German Psychological Society (DGPs), the Open Science Framework (osf), and the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID).
You can find the most recent version of this JupyterNotebook here:
Persistent Identifier
Date of first publication
Is version of
Mueller, S. (2020). The Preregistration for Quantitative Research in Psychology Template as Jupyter Notebook. PsychArchives.
TF_Template.ipynbUnknown - 30.89KBMD5: f47dff685cb4a3a507c8dcd2ba496c0c
There are no other versions of this object.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Mueller, Stefanie
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2020-11-09T11:07:45Z
Made available on2020-11-09T11:07:45Z
Date of first publication2020-11-09
Abstract / DescriptionThe file provides the Preregistration for Quantitative Research in Psychology Template as a Jupyter Notebook. Fill in the fields, export as PDF and your fully formatted preregistration is complete. In order to use this file, you need to install JupyterLab ( or register at PsychNotebook ( The template was developed by a task force composed members of the American Psychological Association (APA), the British Psychological Society (BPS), the German Psychological Society (DGPs), the Open Science Framework (osf), and the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID).en
Abstract / DescriptionYou can find the most recent version of this JupyterNotebook here:
Publication statusunknownen
Review statusunknownen
CitationMueller, S. (2020). The Preregistration for Quantitative Research in Psychology Template as Jupyter Notebook. PsychArchives.
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contenteng
Is version of
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Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleThe Preregistration for Quantitative Research in Psychology Template as Jupyter Notebooken
Alternative titlePreReg_Jupyter_Templateen
DRO typecodeen
Leibniz institute name(s) / abbreviation(s)ZPIDde_DE