Code for: Testing the Usability of the Psychological Research Preregistration-Quantitative (PRP-QUANT) Template
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Spitzer, Lisa
Bosnjak, Michael
Mueller, Stefanie
Abstract / Description
Code for: Spitzer, L., Bosnjak, M., & Mueller, S. (in preparation). Testing the Usability of the Psychological Research Preregistration-Quantitative (PRP-QUANT) Template.
Persistent Identifier
Date of first publication
study_1_1_preprocessing_overall_evaluation_utaut.RR script - 22.04KBMD5: e58a9a6cfb40df44c6f09dd4bcd12e1cDescription: Study 1: Preprocessing A (overall evaluation and UTAUT)
study_1_2_preprocessing_template_webprobing.RR script - 59.03KBMD5: 7bff4a1182474a1376ab7f488de1d2bdDescription: Study 1: Preprocessing B (template items and web probing)
study_1_3_sociodemographic_general.RR script - 19.61KBMD5: af6402fa7d3e2dc4bdcd391d88b4ab8fDescription: Study 1: Sociodemographic variables
study_1_4_template_webprobing.RR script - 50.73KBMD5: 92728c158ddd1c6efe17fb94cec67ca7Description: Study 1: Template items and web probing
study_1_5_overall_evaluation.RR script - 19.15KBMD5: 87450a2acc04ca1f30f8d85245c29c53Description: Study 1: Overall evaluation
study_1_6_utaut.RR script - 8.64KBMD5: 371f5d73276a7d66cbee645a35a11193Description: Study 1: UTAUT (Hypotheses tests)
study_2.RR script - 16.08KBMD5: da2d2fd7f032690b0f623c76144acc19Description: Study 2: Author and reviewer feedback
nonsense_responses.RR script - 2.81KBMD5: b352d81b25143ada3442b98a96419c0aDescription: Analysis script to analyze nonsense responses
README.txtText - 3.2KBMD5: d00d47bea32b5ae648472a81288f356aDescription: ReadMe file
42024-03-13Addition of an analysis script to analyze nonsense responses based on reviewer feedback
32023-09-25Updating of the file paths, addition of instructions for reproducing the analyses.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Spitzer, Lisa
Author(s) / Creator(s)Bosnjak, Michael
Author(s) / Creator(s)Mueller, Stefanie
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2024-03-13T17:06:42Z
Made available on2023-05-24T14:18:26Z
Made available on2023-06-07T09:01:45Z
Made available on2023-09-25T16:48:17Z
Made available on2024-03-13T17:06:42Z
Date of first publication2024-03-13
Abstract / DescriptionCode for: Spitzer, L., Bosnjak, M., & Mueller, S. (in preparation). Testing the Usability of the Psychological Research Preregistration-Quantitative (PRP-QUANT) Template.en_US
Publication statusunknownen
Review statusunknownen
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contentengen_US
Is related to
Is related to
Is related to
Is related to
Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleCode for: Testing the Usability of the Psychological Research Preregistration-Quantitative (PRP-QUANT) Templateen_US
DRO typecodeen_US