Supplementary materials to: Are we really going to get out of COVID-19 together? Secured legal status and trust among refugees and migrants
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Politi, Emanuele
Roblain, Antoine
Licata, Laurent
Abstract / Description
Supplementary materials to: Politi, E., Roblain, A., & Licata, L. (2023). Are we really going to get out of COVID-19 together? Secured legal status and trust among refugees and migrants. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11(1), 45–59.
refugees migrants participatory science COVID-19 structural precarity legal status national identification social trust political trust social cohesionPersistent Identifier
Date of first publication
PsychOpen GOLD
Is referenced by
Politi, E., Roblain, A., & Licata, L. (2023). Supplementary materials to: Are we really going to get out of COVID-19 together? Secured legal status and trust among refugees and migrants [Additional information]. PsychOpen GOLD.
Politi_et_al_2023_Are_we_really_going_to_get_out_of_COVID-19_together_SUPPL_Table_S1.pdfAdobe PDF - 125.64KBMD5: 28a08a5ff16ef8dc464013965dc65e3bDescription: Additional information table S1
Politi_et_al_2023_Are_we_really_going_to_get_out_of_COVID-19_together_SUPPL_Table_S2.pdfAdobe PDF - 148.67KBMD5: 041f593bbd1e286198eff88664b3b8a0Description: Additional information table S2
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Author(s) / Creator(s)Politi, Emanuele
Author(s) / Creator(s)Roblain, Antoine
Author(s) / Creator(s)Licata, Laurent
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2023-02-09T14:28:49Z
Made available on2023-02-09T14:28:49Z
Date of first publication2023
Abstract / DescriptionSupplementary materials to: Politi, E., Roblain, A., & Licata, L. (2023). Are we really going to get out of COVID-19 together? Secured legal status and trust among refugees and migrants. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11(1), 45–59.
Table of contentsThe Online Supplementary Materials contain more information on the measure used to assess material difficulties and additional analyses disaggregating trust facets and legal categories.en_US
CitationPoliti, E., Roblain, A., & Licata, L. (2023). Supplementary materials to: Are we really going to get out of COVID-19 together? Secured legal status and trust among refugees and migrants [Additional information]. PsychOpen GOLD.
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contentengen_US
PublisherPsychOpen GOLDen_US
Is referenced by
Is related to
Keyword(s)participatory scienceen_US
Keyword(s)structural precarityen_US
Keyword(s)legal statusen_US
Keyword(s)national identificationen_US
Keyword(s)social trusten_US
Keyword(s)political trusten_US
Keyword(s)social cohesionen_US
Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleSupplementary materials to: Are we really going to get out of COVID-19 together? Secured legal status and trust among refugees and migrantsen_US
DRO typeotheren_US