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Selection criteria for publications in the PSYNDEX reference database
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)
Other kind(s) of contributor
Trierweiler, Lisa
Abstract / Description
The PSYNDEX database is a comprehensive collection of psychology publications from
German-speaking countries. Qualified scientific staff members follow both formal and
content-based criteria when selecting the publications for inclusion.
Databases Scientific Communication PsychologyPersistent Identifier
Date of first publication
Leibniz Institute For Psychology (ZPID). (2023). Selection criteria for publications in the PSYNDEX reference database. PsychArchives.
Selection_Criteria_PSYNDEX_31072023_en.pdfAdobe PDF - 233.22KBMD5: 24bf848ce5c50a7b778e8edace09c48fDescription: Psyndex Lit Selection Criteria
32023-08-07The criteria have been adjusted and improved for better readability.
22022-04-27The presented criteria were clarified concerning language requirements (Section 1) and reformulated to achieve better comprehensibility (Sections 2 & 3).
Author(s) / Creator(s)Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)
Other kind(s) of contributorTrierweiler, Lisa
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2023-08-07T11:57:02Z
Made available on2021-10-01T16:06:09Z
Made available on2022-04-27T16:01:28Z
Made available on2023-08-07T11:57:02Z
Date of first publication2023-08-07
Abstract / DescriptionThe PSYNDEX database is a comprehensive collection of psychology publications from German-speaking countries. Qualified scientific staff members follow both formal and content-based criteria when selecting the publications for inclusion.en_US
Publication statusotheren
Review statusnotRevieweden
CitationLeibniz Institute For Psychology (ZPID). (2023). Selection criteria for publications in the PSYNDEX reference database. PsychArchives.
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contentengen_US
Is related to
Is related to
Keyword(s)Scientific Communicationen_US
Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleSelection criteria for publications in the PSYNDEX reference databaseen_US
DRO typeotheren_US
Leibniz institute name(s) / abbreviation(s)ZPIDde_DE
Leibniz subject classificationPsychologiede_DE