Code for: Testing the reuse potential of the user-oriented curation standard: Study description of the data referring to the third user study conducted in the BMBF-funded project PsyCuraDat.
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Blask, Katarina
Latz, Marc
Abstract / Description
Code for: Blask, K., Müller, M.-L., Latz, M., & Kraffert, S., & Valentin, A. (2021).Testing the reuse potential of the user-oriented curation standard: Study description of the data referring to the third user study conducted in the BMBF-funded project PsyCuraDat.
Persistent Identifier
Date of first publication
Blask, K., & Latz, M. (2021). Code for: Testing the reuse potential of the user-oriented curation standard: Study description of the data referring to the third user study conducted in the BMBF-funded project PsyCuraDat. PsychArchives.
PsyCuraDat_UserStudy1_WP2_data analysis.spsSPSS syntax file - 5.2KBMD5: b864562e4140ecf82c9564576f8aab80Description: Data analysis script
PsyCuraDat_UserStudy1_WP2_data preparation.spsSPSS syntax file - 108.15KBMD5: 079fd2f4e7a8c2b1348590657cb92b10Description: Data preparation script
PsyCuraDat_UserStudy1_WP2_page transitions_taskwise.RR script - 4.05KBMD5: ea45b087d03bdfc2f380b51c40b69670Description: Data analysis script_transitions
There are no other versions of this object.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Blask, Katarina
Author(s) / Creator(s)Latz, Marc
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2021-11-12T15:21:42Z
Made available on2021-11-12T15:21:42Z
Date of first publication2021-11-12
Abstract / DescriptionCode for: Blask, K., Müller, M.-L., Latz, M., & Kraffert, S., & Valentin, A. (2021).Testing the reuse potential of the user-oriented curation standard: Study description of the data referring to the third user study conducted in the BMBF-funded project PsyCuraDat.en
Publication statusunknownen
Review statusunknownen
CitationBlask, K., & Latz, M. (2021). Code for: Testing the reuse potential of the user-oriented curation standard: Study description of the data referring to the third user study conducted in the BMBF-funded project PsyCuraDat. PsychArchives.
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contenteng
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Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleCode for: Testing the reuse potential of the user-oriented curation standard: Study description of the data referring to the third user study conducted in the BMBF-funded project PsyCuraDat.en
DRO typecodeen