Dataset for: Measuring Supervisor Leader-Member Exchange: A Member Currency-Based Perspective
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Ionescu, Anata-Flavia
Iliescu, Dragos
Other kind(s) of contributor
University of Bucharest, Department of Psychology
Abstract / Description
Data used for the validation of the SLMX-C scale.
Persistent Identifier
Date of first publication
Ionescu, A.-F., & Iliescu, D. (2020). Dataset for: Measuring Supervisor Leader-Member Exchange: A Member Currency-Based Perspective [Data set]. PsychArchives.
BetCov_mturk.csvCSV - 1.86KBMD5: d96e95a91a27b8f2ef8ab8bb43041a96Description: pooled-within and between-group covariances matrice for sample 2
mturk.csvCSV - 10.68KBMD5: 1b1f2db9e936b7bbf99a0a2757ae4debDescription: input data for the CFA on sample 2 (international sample of 315 subordinates nested under 90 supervisors recruited via MTurk)
SLMX.RDataUnknown - 49.9KBMD5: 517eb13930c69b1827cc5f280954acc6Description: input data for analyses of criterion-related and incremental validity of the SLMX-C, on sample 1
SLMX_C371Ro.csvCSV - 27.39KBMD5: 5c85d591c75d5ee669799705d9f1d4b1Description: input data for the multilevel EFA on sample 1 (Romanian sample of 371 subordinates nested under 63 supervisors)
WinCov_mturk.csvCSV - 1.85KBMD5: e5683cce82d9156c968c31faafd28f2aDescription: pooled-within and between-group covariances matrice for sample 2
There are no other versions of this object.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Ionescu, Anata-Flavia
Author(s) / Creator(s)Iliescu, Dragos
Other kind(s) of contributorUniversity of Bucharest, Department of Psychologyen
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2020-03-26T10:07:40Z
Made available on2020-03-26T10:07:40Z
Date of first publication2020-03-26
Abstract / DescriptionData used for the validation of the SLMX-C scale.en
Review statusunknownen
Table of contentsThe archive contains the following files: SLMX_C_371Ro.csv - input data for the multilevel EFA on sample 1 (Romanian sample of 371 subordinates nested under 63 supervisors); mturk.csv - input data for the CFA on sample 2 (international sample of 315 subordinates nested under 90 supervisors recruited via MTurk); WinCov_mturk.csv, BetCov_mturk.csv - pooled-within and between-group covariances matrices for sample 2; SLMX_C.RData - input data for analyses of criterion-related and incremental validity of the SLMX-C, on sample 1.en
CitationIonescu, A.-F., & Iliescu, D. (2020). Dataset for: Measuring Supervisor Leader-Member Exchange: A Member Currency-Based Perspective [Data set]. PsychArchives.
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contenteng
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Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleDataset for: Measuring Supervisor Leader-Member Exchange: A Member Currency-Based Perspectiveen
DRO typeresearchDataen