"We don’t have things for counting": An exploration of early numeracy skills and home learning experiences of children growing up in poverty in South Africa
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Merkley, Rebecca
Sernoskie, Elizabeth
Cook, Caylee J.
Howard, Steven J.
Makaula, Hleliwe
Mshudulu, Mbulelo
Tshetu, Nosibusiso
Draper, Catherine E.
Scerif, Gaia
Abstract / Description
A child’s home environment has been shown to be related to the development of early
numeracy skills in some countries. However, significant relationships between home learning
environment and math achievement have not consistently been found, and likely vary across
different cultural and socio-political contexts. Here we explored the home environment and
early numeracy skills of 243 children (3-5 years), who were not attending preschool
programmes in very low-income settings in Cape Town, South Africa. Caregivers
completed a questionnaire including information regarding experiences of children in the
home; children completed a number identification task, a counting task and the Give-N task. The amount of resources in the home learning environment (e.g. the number of books and toys), frequency of home learning activities caregivers did with their children, and caregiver levels of education and income were not associated with number knowledge. While the home learning environment has been shown to be important for developing early numeracy skills in previous research, this study suggests that factors other than the home learning environment may also be important targets to foster numeracy skills and school readiness in low-income settings in South Africa.
home environment early numeracy low-income settings South AfricaPersistent Identifier
Date of first publication
Journal title
Journal of Numerical Cognition
Publication status
Review status
Is version of
Merkley, R., Sernoskie, E., Cook, C. J., Howard, S. J., Makaula, H., Mshudulu, M., Tshetu, N., Draper, C. E., & Scerif, G. (in press). "We don’t have things for counting": An exploration of early numeracy skills and home learning experiences of children growing up in poverty in South Africa [Accepted manuscript]. Journal of Numerical Cognition. http://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.12355
Merkley_Sernoskie_Cook_et_al_2023_Home_environment_and_numeracy_skills_JNC_AAM.pdfAdobe PDF - 2.45MBMD5: 22f3e199e0adde8ed7101fc4bfd76762Description: Accepted Manuscript
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Author(s) / Creator(s)Merkley, Rebecca
Author(s) / Creator(s)Sernoskie, Elizabeth
Author(s) / Creator(s)Cook, Caylee J.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Howard, Steven J.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Makaula, Hleliwe
Author(s) / Creator(s)Mshudulu, Mbulelo
Author(s) / Creator(s)Tshetu, Nosibusiso
Author(s) / Creator(s)Draper, Catherine E.
Author(s) / Creator(s)Scerif, Gaia
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2023-01-17T14:41:47Z
Made available on2023-01-17T14:41:47Z
Date of first publication2023-01-17
Abstract / DescriptionA child’s home environment has been shown to be related to the development of early numeracy skills in some countries. However, significant relationships between home learning environment and math achievement have not consistently been found, and likely vary across different cultural and socio-political contexts. Here we explored the home environment and early numeracy skills of 243 children (3-5 years), who were not attending preschool programmes in very low-income settings in Cape Town, South Africa. Caregivers completed a questionnaire including information regarding experiences of children in the home; children completed a number identification task, a counting task and the Give-N task. The amount of resources in the home learning environment (e.g. the number of books and toys), frequency of home learning activities caregivers did with their children, and caregiver levels of education and income were not associated with number knowledge. While the home learning environment has been shown to be important for developing early numeracy skills in previous research, this study suggests that factors other than the home learning environment may also be important targets to foster numeracy skills and school readiness in low-income settings in South Africa.en_US
Publication statusacceptedVersionen_US
Review statusrevieweden_US
SponsorshipThe research was supported by a British Academy Early Childhood Education Programme award to GS, CD and SH.en_US
CitationMerkley, R., Sernoskie, E., Cook, C. J., Howard, S. J., Makaula, H., Mshudulu, M., Tshetu, N., Draper, C. E., & Scerif, G. (in press). "We don’t have things for counting": An exploration of early numeracy skills and home learning experiences of children growing up in poverty in South Africa [Accepted manuscript]. Journal of Numerical Cognition. http://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.12355en_US
Persistent Identifierhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12034/7896
Persistent Identifierhttps://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.12355
Language of contentengen_US
Is version ofhttps://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.8061
Keyword(s)home environmenten_US
Keyword(s)early numeracyen_US
Keyword(s)low-income settingsen_US
Keyword(s)South Africaen_US
Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
Title"We don’t have things for counting": An exploration of early numeracy skills and home learning experiences of children growing up in poverty in South Africaen_US
DRO typearticleen_US
Journal titleJournal of Numerical Cognitionen_US
Visible tag(s)PsychOpen GOLDen_US
Visible tag(s)Accepted Manuscripten_US