Preregistration for Attitudes Toward Abortion in Germany: Moral Values, Political Attitudes, and Religiousness
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Zehetleitner, Michael
Singer, Leoni
Abstract / Description
Abortion is a polarizing socio-political issue. Attitudes towards abortion have been investigated in the context of various predictors. In the present study, attitudes towards abortion are investigated in the context of moral values, political ideology, and religiosity. In previous studies, only the endorsement of purity, conservatism, and religiosity consistently predicts disapproval of abortion. For other possible predictors (care, fairness, loyalty, authority, or liberty), there is inconsistent evidence: for each dimension there are studies which find it a predictor of approval, of disapproval, or to be non-significant. If significant, the direction of correlation (positive vs. negative) varies between studies. Further, there are national differences in legislation and cultural differences across countries, making generalisation of findings from one country to other countries a question of empirical research.
The present study aims to address several gaps in the current empirical literature:
Objective 1: Investigate how religiosity and political ideology mediate the relationship between moral values and attitudes towards abortion in Germany; Objective 2: Determine if attitudes towards abortion are multi-dimensional; Objective 3: Explore the (in-)dependence of the ATAS subscales on moral values, conditional on political ideology and religiosity; Objective 4: Identify clusters of individuals with similar moral values, political attitudes, religiosity, and abortion attitudes using cluster analysis.
These research questions are investigated with Bayesian statistical methods, including the liberty dimension of the MFQ in the cultural and national context of Germany
A convenience sample of German participants recruited from social media.
Participants are asked to complete an online survey using the moral foundations questionnaire (J. Graham et al., 2011) with dimensions care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, and purity/degradation as well as the liberty/oppression dimension (Iyer et al., 2012), the Attitudes Towards Abortion Scale (Stets and Leik, 1993; Loftus and Molenbergh, 2022), religious beliefs and practices, self-placement on the political left/right spectrum as well as socio-demographic variables.
moral foundations abortion religiosity political ideologyPersistent Identifier
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp
2024-06-03 12:49:03 UTC
Preregistration Attitudes Towards Abortion and MFQ v2.pdfAdobe PDF - 369.78KBMD5: 6f70eaf71ee11fb3a12961257779b3c6Description: Preregistration document
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Author(s) / Creator(s)Zehetleitner, Michael
Author(s) / Creator(s)Singer, Leoni
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2024-06-03T12:49:03Z
Made available on2024-06-03T12:49:03Z
Date of first publication2024-06-03
Abstract / DescriptionAbortion is a polarizing socio-political issue. Attitudes towards abortion have been investigated in the context of various predictors. In the present study, attitudes towards abortion are investigated in the context of moral values, political ideology, and religiosity. In previous studies, only the endorsement of purity, conservatism, and religiosity consistently predicts disapproval of abortion. For other possible predictors (care, fairness, loyalty, authority, or liberty), there is inconsistent evidence: for each dimension there are studies which find it a predictor of approval, of disapproval, or to be non-significant. If significant, the direction of correlation (positive vs. negative) varies between studies. Further, there are national differences in legislation and cultural differences across countries, making generalisation of findings from one country to other countries a question of empirical research. The present study aims to address several gaps in the current empirical literature: Objective 1: Investigate how religiosity and political ideology mediate the relationship between moral values and attitudes towards abortion in Germany; Objective 2: Determine if attitudes towards abortion are multi-dimensional; Objective 3: Explore the (in-)dependence of the ATAS subscales on moral values, conditional on political ideology and religiosity; Objective 4: Identify clusters of individuals with similar moral values, political attitudes, religiosity, and abortion attitudes using cluster analysis. These research questions are investigated with Bayesian statistical methods, including the liberty dimension of the MFQ in the cultural and national context of Germany A convenience sample of German participants recruited from social media. Participants are asked to complete an online survey using the moral foundations questionnaire (J. Graham et al., 2011) with dimensions care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, and purity/degradation as well as the liberty/oppression dimension (Iyer et al., 2012), the Attitudes Towards Abortion Scale (Stets and Leik, 1993; Loftus and Molenbergh, 2022), religious beliefs and practices, self-placement on the political left/right spectrum as well as socio-demographic variables.en
Publication statusother
Review statusunknown
Persistent Identifier
Persistent Identifier
Language of contenteng
Keyword(s)moral foundations
Keyword(s)political ideology
Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitlePreregistration for Attitudes Toward Abortion in Germany: Moral Values, Political Attitudes, and Religiousnessen
DRO typepreregistration
Visible tag(s)PRP-QUANT