
Negativity Bias, Conformity Bias and Vaccination Hesitancy

Author(s) / Creator(s)

Eyerund, Theresa
Kary, Johanna

Other kind(s) of contributor

Cologne Institute for Economic Research

Abstract / Description

Given the public discussion on measures to increase vaccination rates against the Corona virus in Germany and the increasing social conflicts between pro-vaccine parties and anti-vaccine parties, we want to conduct a brief analysis on the reasons of vaccination hesitancy. The aim of the study is to define the seize of each hesitancy-type group (i.e., calculation, convenience, confidence, complacency) and possible correlations with an individuals’ negativity bias and conformity bias. The main hypothesis behind that is, that the initial attitude towards vaccines in general hugely impacts an individuals’ decision for or against the coronavirus vaccine, amplified through the conformity and negativity biases. The potential negative spiral between initial attitude, conformity and negativity bias might further decrease vaccination willingness. This impact might be evident in varying degree within the different hesitancy-type groups. Along with this, arguments for or against the implementation of certain measures (i.e., which kind of vaccine-hesitancy type can be reached by which measure) should be discussed. An overall aim is to contribute to a public understanding of different vaccination-decision types and a constructive political debate about measures to promote health-enhancing habits.

Persistent Identifier

PsychArchives acquisition timestamp

2021-09-06 15:06:27 UTC




Eyerund, T., & Kary, J. (2021). Negativity Bias, Conformity Bias and Vaccination Hesitancy. PsychArchives.
  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
    Eyerund, Theresa
  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
    Kary, Johanna
  • Other kind(s) of contributor
    Cologne Institute for Economic Research
  • PsychArchives acquisition timestamp
  • Made available on
  • Date of first publication
  • Abstract / Description
    Given the public discussion on measures to increase vaccination rates against the Corona virus in Germany and the increasing social conflicts between pro-vaccine parties and anti-vaccine parties, we want to conduct a brief analysis on the reasons of vaccination hesitancy. The aim of the study is to define the seize of each hesitancy-type group (i.e., calculation, convenience, confidence, complacency) and possible correlations with an individuals’ negativity bias and conformity bias. The main hypothesis behind that is, that the initial attitude towards vaccines in general hugely impacts an individuals’ decision for or against the coronavirus vaccine, amplified through the conformity and negativity biases. The potential negative spiral between initial attitude, conformity and negativity bias might further decrease vaccination willingness. This impact might be evident in varying degree within the different hesitancy-type groups. Along with this, arguments for or against the implementation of certain measures (i.e., which kind of vaccine-hesitancy type can be reached by which measure) should be discussed. An overall aim is to contribute to a public understanding of different vaccination-decision types and a constructive political debate about measures to promote health-enhancing habits.
  • Publication status
  • Review status
  • Citation
    Eyerund, T., & Kary, J. (2021). Negativity Bias, Conformity Bias and Vaccination Hesitancy. PsychArchives.
  • Persistent Identifier
  • Persistent Identifier
  • Language of content
  • Publisher
  • Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)
  • Title
    Negativity Bias, Conformity Bias and Vaccination Hesitancy
  • DRO type