Leibniz‘ Einfluss auf Wundts Psychologie, Philosophie und Ethik
Author(s) / Creator(s)
Fahrenberg, Jochen
Abstract / Description
Leibniz‘s essential influence on Wundt’s thinking, so far, is not thoroughly examined. In the Introduction of his Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie, Wundt refers to Kant and Herbart being the most influential in shaping his philosophical standpoints. Taking this lead, however, it is noticeable that Wundt’s attitude is mostly critical, especially regarding Herbart. In comparison, Leibniz’s impact is essential and constructive in forming Wundt’s psychology, philosophy, epistemology, and ethics. This influence is obvious in Wundt’s Essay on Leibniz in 1917 and from a number of basic concepts, terms, and epistemological principles in Wundt’s work. Furthermore, Leibniz’s perspectivism was formative to Wundt’s cognitive style.
The introduction refers to four basic postulates in Leibniz’ thinking: Law of Continuity, Principle of Harmony, Individuality, and Autonomous Activity. The main part of the present contribution includes 10 issues or Sections: (1) Monad, Mind (Soul) and actuality; (2) Epistemology; (3) Psychophysical Parallelism; (4) Perception and Apperception; (5) (Self-) Consciousness; (6) Will and Voluntarist Tendency; (7) Principle of sufficient reason; (8) Development (Evolutionism); (9) Ethics; (10) Monism. Each Section includes citations from Leibniz’s work; definitions from Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie (Ritter et al., 1971 ff); Wundt’s direct commentaries on Leibniz; citations from Wundt’s work; relationships with epistemology; consequences for research and methodology; the reception of Wundt’s work and critique.
Obviously, Leibniz had a profound impact on psychology and philosophy as conceived by Wundt. He transformed philosophical concepts to an innovative research program and methodology in the formative years of modern psychology. The present Essay is a plea for a renewed discourse on philosophical presuppositions in psychology, and, thus, complements previous books: Menschenbilder (Psychologische Anthropologie, 2008), Wilhelm Wundt – Pionier der Psychologie und Außenseiter? (2011), Zur Kategorienlehre der Psychologie (2013), Theoretische Psychologie (2015).
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Wilhelm Wundt Immanuel Kant Johann Friedrich Herbart Apperzeption Apperzeptionstheorie Bewusstsein Ethik Evolutionismus Geschichte der Psychologie Humanitätsidee Intellektualismus Interdisziplinarität Monadologie Monismus Perspektivität Perspektivismus Philosophische Psychologie Psychische Kausalität Psychophysischer Parallelismus Satz vom zureichenden Grund Voluntarismus Willenspsychologie WissenschaftstheoriePersistent Identifier
Date of first publication
Trier: Leibniz-Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation
Publication status
Review status
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Author(s) / Creator(s)Fahrenberg, Jochen
PsychArchives acquisition timestamp2022-11-21T17:09:21Z
Made available on2016-07-25T08:01:36Z
Made available on2022-11-21T17:09:21Z
Date of first publication2016-07-20
Abstract / DescriptionLeibniz‘s essential influence on Wundt’s thinking, so far, is not thoroughly examined. In the Introduction of his Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie, Wundt refers to Kant and Herbart being the most influential in shaping his philosophical standpoints. Taking this lead, however, it is noticeable that Wundt’s attitude is mostly critical, especially regarding Herbart. In comparison, Leibniz’s impact is essential and constructive in forming Wundt’s psychology, philosophy, epistemology, and ethics. This influence is obvious in Wundt’s Essay on Leibniz in 1917 and from a number of basic concepts, terms, and epistemological principles in Wundt’s work. Furthermore, Leibniz’s perspectivism was formative to Wundt’s cognitive style. The introduction refers to four basic postulates in Leibniz’ thinking: Law of Continuity, Principle of Harmony, Individuality, and Autonomous Activity. The main part of the present contribution includes 10 issues or Sections: (1) Monad, Mind (Soul) and actuality; (2) Epistemology; (3) Psychophysical Parallelism; (4) Perception and Apperception; (5) (Self-) Consciousness; (6) Will and Voluntarist Tendency; (7) Principle of sufficient reason; (8) Development (Evolutionism); (9) Ethics; (10) Monism. Each Section includes citations from Leibniz’s work; definitions from Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie (Ritter et al., 1971 ff); Wundt’s direct commentaries on Leibniz; citations from Wundt’s work; relationships with epistemology; consequences for research and methodology; the reception of Wundt’s work and critique. Obviously, Leibniz had a profound impact on psychology and philosophy as conceived by Wundt. He transformed philosophical concepts to an innovative research program and methodology in the formative years of modern psychology. The present Essay is a plea for a renewed discourse on philosophical presuppositions in psychology, and, thus, complements previous books: Menschenbilder (Psychologische Anthropologie, 2008), Wilhelm Wundt – Pionier der Psychologie und Außenseiter? (2011), Zur Kategorienlehre der Psychologie (2013), Theoretische Psychologie (2015).de_DE
Publication statusunknown
Review statusunknown
Persistent Identifierhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11780/3675
Persistent Identifierhttps://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.10907
Language of contentdeude_DE
PublisherTrier: Leibniz-Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentationde_DE
Is version ofhttps://doi.org/10.6094/UNIFR/12407
Keyword(s)Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnizde_DE
Keyword(s)Wilhelm Wundtde_DE
Keyword(s)Immanuel Kantde_DE
Keyword(s)Johann Friedrich Herbartde_DE
Keyword(s)Geschichte der Psychologiede_DE
Keyword(s)Philosophische Psychologiede_DE
Keyword(s)Psychische Kausalitätde_DE
Keyword(s)Psychophysischer Parallelismusde_DE
Keyword(s)Satz vom zureichenden Grundde_DE
Dewey Decimal Classification number(s)150
TitleLeibniz‘ Einfluss auf Wundts Psychologie, Philosophie und Ethikde_DE
DRO typearticlede_DE
Visible tag(s)PsyDok